June 09, 2010

Some rearranging around here

You'll notice a few changes around here!

I'm changing some things to make my blog load more quickly when we click on it.  Some of my link lists were getting quite long!  (The longest list in particular got lost by accident in the transition, so now it's really short!  Ha!)  And I liked it when I switched it to three columns because it was different, but it has always seemed more cluttered that way.  So I got into the nitty gritty of the html, made my own background and am working on posting some of the longer link lists as separate pages so they won't bog down the upload time.  I also wanted to have a few things easier to spot, Our Adoption Story for one, Disability Ministry for another.  I love my happy font (appropriately named "peaMelissa")and will get it back but I need to go to bed.  That's going to have to wait for another day.

So be patient!  It will look a little bit different every few days until I get it settled.  You know how it goes when you rearrange...


Ten minutes later...
Ugh!  I got the happy font back more quickly than I thought I would.  But I got on the desktop to do it (did all the rest of the laptop) and the color of the striped paper on the sides is terrible!  On the laptop it looks really nice.  On the desktop it all has this overwhelming yellow tint to it.  Now I really am going to bed. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks great! I am loving the wider columns on mine too. The colors look good on my screen. :)