June 25, 2008

VBS day #3

Well, we're hanging in there! We're almost running like a well oiled machine, and I'm remembering why I love working with Special Needs children! We've gotten a bit of a system down after three days of VBS, and the kids are all getting settled in. The fun part is we're getting to know each other. We're learning to understand and predict the children's needs, even the ones we just met Monday. We're learning to understand their individual dialects. :) And best of all, we're learning what makes each of them smile! And that is what makes this whole week worthwhile!

We have thirteen kids on our roll. Two of them have Cerebral Palsy and their cognitive level is fairly close to age appropriate, though from looking at them, you'd never guess that. Interestingly enough, they are both twins and each of their twins is perfectly typical. But on to the important stuff... They both made professions of faith today!!!!! I need a big jumping up and down smiley girl! What an amazing God we have to give us opportunities to love on "the least of these," but they end up blessing me with their joyful spirit instead.

Another fun thing happened today... a little guy I've known since he was 4. He has autism... one of my favorite special needs to work with. Actually, he started coming to another church 5 years ago when I was there to help in the Wednesday night class. We moved away several months later, but I've kept in touch with his family. His family has recently begun coming to our present church and Levi is in our Sunday School class. So anyway, I didn't know if Levi had any clue who I was, other than someone who wouldn't let him escape! But today, he was headed toward the door and I said, "Levi," in a sing-songy voice with a warning tone in it. He immediately said in an exact echo, "Melissa," with a huge grin on his face! He was being funny at me! Oh, I wanted to love that boy to pieces!

So today I am reaping the blessings of waiting on the Lord... waiting for a church where I could be a part of a disability ministry, waiting for people to help, waiting for children to come! And, oh, have they come! Thank you, Lord for letting me be here... in this time, this place, with these kids.

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