September 12, 2008

I'm a homeschool student now too!

One of the areas about which I have always felt totally ignorant is government/economics. I understand supply and demand to a point, and I know about the house, senate and all that stuff. But my only recollection of any of these things in school is a unit on each in eighth grade. I even requested World magazine for a Christmas present in order to educate myself, but it's way too far over my head! (I called to see if I could go down a level!) Admittedly, I have no understanding of the cause and effect relationships between these two subjects. And foreign political relationships are even further from my comprehension!

I heard two weeks ago that a friend of mine is teaching a government/economics class for a high school coop at church. I was soooo envious! As a couple of days passed, I realized it was on a morning when I was already headed to church. Hmmmmm, surely I could make this work! Well, it has! I go in two hours earlier than I would have otherwise, and a friend from Bible Study meets me there and feeds my kids breakfast. Then she plays with them until she drops them off for Bible Study childcare for me.

I've sat in on one class and done one week's worth of homework so far. I'm still waiting on all of my books to come in the mail so I can catch up. I loved the class and learned a lot already! I have to say, that if school was free (and they offered childcare) I'd keep going and going just for fun. I love learning new things! But this is actually a subject that I think is so critical to this time. I want to vote because I have a clue why I think what I think. And now I just might, maybe even by November 4th.

Edited to Add: Here are the materials we're using. Whatever Happened to Penny Candy,
A Bluestocking Guide (companion to Penny Candy), and Common Sense Economics (all included in the curriculum). I think reading the two books would be very helpful, though I haven't seen either of them yet.


Christy said...

Unfortunately I am much like you in this area. I'd love to know what the class is using. Is it the 'Penny Candy' book in the picture?

Melissa said...

Hi Christy! I added links to everything we're using on the post b/c I can't link here. :)
