January 05, 2011

Moments of Joy 17

Has it really been since May that I posted a list?  I formulate these lists in my head often, but I apparently don't get here often enough to share them.

There have been many, many calmer moments around here lately and I'm very thankful for them!  The implementation of a very structured behavior/chore/consequence/privilege system has encouraged the kids to change some things up... some things that desperately needed changing up!  Everyone is happier, Mama is happier!!!, we have more time to enjoy each other since we're not struggling over power and control all. day. long, school is getting done in half the time, and chores are done more consistently and diligently.  But mostly, I think we realized we actually like each other!

Some of my favorite moments of late:

~ enjoying advent with the kids... we chose to keep it slow and I'm really thankful we did
~ listening to Jacob sight read a song on the piano and be really proud of himself at how well it went
~ watching my kids enjoy their Christmas presents (and not being let down when the last present was over!)
~ spending time with my growing up family over Christmas.  I'm so thankful for the foundation, security and identity God gave me in them.

~ going in to Target to get snuggly jammie pants after Christmas (I chose to walk away ;) before Christmas because I really didn't need them). There was one pair in the store.  It just "happened" to fit perfectly, be a print I love and be $6.  God didn't have to do that for me.
~ wondering why Mattie's closet was so void of non-play dresses, remembering that I loaned them to someone thinking I'd have them back in time for her to need them, then getting handed down a bag of dresses that are perfect (and a lot nicer than what we had to begin with!)
~ Mattie coming to me to ask if we could pray for the man going in the ambulance on the stretcher.  "I already prayed for him, but can we pray for him again? He needs God to heal him."
~ hearing all my kids are really learning and internalizing from their Sunday School teachers

~ getting my love tank filled up by my man in ways I was hoping and praying for
~ listening to Jacob and Robert play a piano/guitar duet and Jacob planning another practice session for tomorrow
~ reading Mattie's first chapter book (a Christmas present) with her and her begging to read more
~ dancing and doing wii fit games with the kids to get us all moving... hilarity is more appropriate than joy, I think!

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