January 11, 2011

Word of the Year

Many people in my online circle of friends have gone to a "Word of the Year" sort of thinking as opposed to a New Year's resolution.  The first year I saw it was in 2009.  Honestly, I've prayed about it for two years now and have never felt the Lord give me a word.  I didn't want to just pick one just to have one like everyone else, because it wouldn't last anyway.  So because I didn't sense His leading, I just decided it was not for me at that time.  The funny thing is that there have been two years that I could easily define by one word, but that was after the fact.  One year would have been "gracious" and one would have been "Healer."  I remember specifically many lessons where the Lord revealed these words to me throughout the year, changing me or helping me change my perspective on a given issue.

This year I feel like He's given me a word:

~ Grace  ~

I feel like He's leading me to delve into the word... the meaning of it, the application of it, the etymology of it, the weight of it, the finality of it, the gift of it, the Giver of it...

God has whet my appetite using a church service at my sister's church the day after Christmas.  The songs and the sermon have been replaying in my head ever since.  I'm rounding up the pieces so I can revisit them and study each piece.  Right now I feel like I have all of these disconnected molecules that need to be locked together into the right molecular formula, and that the bond will be made as He reveals to me the understanding He wants me to have.

So this is the year of Grace.  I can't wait to see what He has for me!


Anonymous said...

I read a book a year or so ago called "What's So Amazing About Grace" it was really great! I kept it because I knew I would need to re-read it in the future. It spoke a lot to me!

Debbie said...

My word for the year is Grace also! God is already showing me what it means and how I can live it out. It will be interesting to read about your journey with grace.

As I do the Bible in 90 Days this time around I am trying to make a list of whenever I see grace in action. I didn't think the Old Testament was a book of grace, but I am finding that it is!