January 09, 2010

Some Pictures to Share

Here are just a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks in no particular order. :) A bunch of these are nieces and nephews, just in case you're really confused!

Cousin sleepover by the Christmas tree!

Opening the Wii from Gramma and Grampa! (Thank you!! We are all enjoying it thoroughly!)

Mattie excited about her new scooter!
(She used to have one, but Robert deemed it unrepairable the third time it got run over.)

A cozy, colorful blanket for my boy who appreciates both!

Our beautiful Happy Birthday, Jesus! cake. (Quite honestly, just for some camera fun.)

She is one mean guitar player!

Baking wheat free cookies with Tante Jeni... and getting to eat the batter!!

Cousin fort building fun!

Yeah, she can sleep with us... as long as she sleeps over there.

Gracie just couldn't make it to midnight on New Year's Eve, poor girl! (Pneumonia will do that to ya', I hear.)

My water bugs.
(We went to an indoor mini waterpark with some friends on Friday. It's an odd feeling to be in a swimsuit surrounded by glass only to see snow and icicles all over outside.)

Logan crashing Mattie's quiet reading moment.

"Man! We can't go up or down??! But that's where all the kids are!!"

Aaaaah. Catching me some snuggle time with the worn out little boy.

Sweet blessing.


rainydaymichele said...

What sweet and fun photos, Melissa. :)

mom said...

I'll come back over and over for a dose of the kids - and you with Logan! So sweet!