July 01, 2008

Deeper Still #2 - Priscilla Shirer

Our first speaker was Priscilla Shirer. I knew nothing about her, but I assumed since she was in the lineup with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur she would be great. And she did not disappoint me! She was an excellent speaker that I'd love to hear again.

She spoke on being in the wilderness and making the most of it when we find ourselves there. Her main points based on Exodus 19:9-11 were:
~Sometimes God takes us into the wilderness to get us ready for deeper intimacy with him.
~Sometimes God chooses the wilderness for us (not a popular belief these days).
~Sometimes our blessing will be completely opposite of where we think it should be.
~When we're in the wilderness, instead of praying every day to get out of there, settle in, camp out, dwell, bend down and seek what the Lord has for you while you're there. (This is one I've learned with out infertility struggle.)

I don't know if I'm in the wilderness or not. I guess I don't know what it really means to be in the wilderness. If ever I think I might be in the wilderness, I look at others' struggles and realize I couldn't possibly be. I do have my own struggles for certain, but I know God loves me and knows what's best for me. I guess if I choose to trust and desire God each day, then it doesn't really matter if I'm in the wilderness or not. God's commandments are the same, wilderness or otherwise.

She also talked a lot about a divine invitation that we have from God. One that invites us into a deeper relationship with Him where we commune with him for ourselves, not on someone else's coattails. She warned us based on Exodus 20:18 to be sure we respond when He wants to be close to us; don't stand at a distance when we have our chance to be close to Him. What a tragedy it is when He desires us and we back up in fear of what that time might bring!

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