February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Robert and I went out on our date last night while the kids stayed at a friend's house.  They had so. much. fun!  We picked them up with Mattie already bathed and in jammies!  :)  Came home, got the kids in bed and watched the Olympics until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore.

I'm normally not on the ball to do any of this fun stuff for my kids, though I always feel bad later that I didn't get it done.  Plus, now Jacob is much more caring about stuff like this! So this is what they woke up to this morning.

I made their cards and wrote them with personal notes about what we love about them and why we're proud of them.  I think Jacob especially needs things like this to go back and remember on hard days... specific things that are good about him- not just things he does, but things he is.  (He is so much like his mama!!)  He read Mattie's to her, read his out loud, then ran over to give me a hug.  Jacob is sooooooo much a "words of affirmation" kid and it is very clear it fills him up when I do special things for him!

The bears and plates I got at Wal Mart impulsively last week, but they were worth the $10 I spent altogether.  They have named and carried their bears around all day!  And of course, done some sword fighting, wrestling and dancing as well.

Their special breakfast was heart shaped peanut butter toast on their heart shaped plates.  Jacob wanted me to take a picture of them.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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