February 09, 2010

Two good days... thousands to go.

I've been feeling pretty on edge lately and wondering if I needed to go back on my medicine.  I really don't want to because I stopped taking it because I felt like it made me want to eat all. the. time.  I've also known that I had some hormones (dern things) that needed to settle down as I switched things up, so I've been trying to hold out.

When I went to my doctor in July he told me that one option was 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week could do as well as any antidepressant in my case, but Robert was out of town for two weeks after that and I was too far in a hole to make myself do it.

For the past couple of weeks I've been getting up early to have my quiet times, and most days I get some time before the kids awake.  One morning I thought I'd have time later in the day so I slept in and that day was horrible!  I missed that time!  Anyway,  yesterday I was awake so I got up even earlier and had time to exercise too.  I thoroughly enjoyed it!  I started out on the wii fit, then passed it on to the kids and headed in to the treadmill.  Thus far I have not enjoyed the treadmill frankly, because I get really bored!  But with my new phone I had music to play full blast (so I didn't know if the kids were fighting!) and I just walked away!  I had to stop because we had somewhere to be, but I didn't want to.  I was having my own little church!

The day went soooooo well yesterday.  I felt much, much better and it translated into my kids attitudes as well.  (Funny how that happens!)  Got up again today without any trouble and expect the same result.

I usually lose my motivation to exercise consistently because I don't really need to lose weight, but feeling better is something that matters to me.  Ending up more fit will be a secondary bonus.

Hope You have a great day!


A girl who sees said...

Well, I'm glad that you're feeling better and feeling motivated...but sad for you that you were having hard days again. Hope that this continues!! It's so hard to get that motivation to exercise, even on my side where I definitely do need to do it to lose weight!

Melissa said...

Thanks, Kjirstin. Thankfully, the way I've been feeling lately is NOTHING like I was feeling in June and July. Just PMS feeling, really, but much more than normal.

Three days now, though today I did not want to do it. But asking the Lord to help me feel better when I'm not willing to do what I KNOW will help me seemed a bit screwed up!