March 11, 2010

So Long Insecurity Week 3

I'm catching up a bit on these So Long Insecurity Posts.  I am still reading the book and am thoroughly enjoying how the Lord is using it to enlighten me in areas of insecurity, but for a while there it seemed like my blog posts were so heavy!  I felt like I needed to give you guys a break from being my therapy group.  :)

Week 3 was on chapters 5 & 6.  Here are our questions from Beth.
1. After reading these two chapters, what do you believe to be the TWO primary roots of your struggle with insecurity? Keep in mind that more may apply but try to lock in on two that you believe to be most impactful. I have to say, I've had a hard time identifying one root of my insecurity, much less two!  I wasn't abused as a child, we did move a lot, but I think that helped me be more secure and outgoing and always made friends easily, I don't remember being constantly criticized (but I do remember feeling like my identity was in being the "good" child).  I know pride has a part in it for sure.  And I don't remember this being an option, but my answer for number two would have to be hurts and betrayal from adult relationships.

2. What, if any, insight did you gain about the roots of insecurity and did you sense that God was trying to speak to you in any specific way through it? (This answer does not need to be limited to the two roots you identified in the previous response.) 

I really don't have any answer on this one!  :)

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